Higher Education Assessor Candidates Accredited by BAN-PT Who Passed the 2024 Selection

Di Indonesia

Calon Asesor

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This website provides information related to Institutional Accreditation (APT) and Program Accreditation (APS) conducted by BAN-PT. Visitors to this website can explore the accreditation status and rankings of all accredited study programs and higher education institutions accredited by BAN-PT. Visitors can also access news about BAN-PT activities, as well as information on accreditation policies and implementation.
Furthermore, information regarding the development of accreditation support systems, accreditation instruments, and various guidelines and procedures for accreditation are available for universities and various stakeholders in need.
We hope that this website can provide benefits in the form of the required data and information.
Thank you.
Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Ph.D.
- Revisi Terhadap Cakupan Akreditasi Program Studi Untuk Periode Pembahasan September 2024
- BAN-PT Accelerates Higher Education Institution Accreditation
- Revisi Terhadap Cakupan Akreditasi Program Studi Untuk Periode Pembahasan Juni 2024
- Nama Calon Asesor yang dinyatakan Lulus dalam Penyamaan Persepsi Pada Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2024
- Revisi Terhadap Cakupan Akreditasi Program Studi Untuk Periode Pembahasan Maret 2024
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